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This is a creative process, let’s begin. Creating an event or a party should be fun, and of course creative. Parties must be beautiful and beauty is in the details. So let’s get creative together. From flowers, to wine, to Champagne, lighting and music: we got you. The Aia is available to host a myriad of private events. From birthday parties, to work events, from family celebrations  or just a reason to organise a party to celebrate life. Any combination of Location + Bar + Music + Aperitivo + Dinner - or all are always available.

We use both in-house cooks as well as professional catering services. As well, we work with musicians and Dj’s from around the world. We source our food directly from the land or from local producers. The Aia is a world within a world. We take every detail to heart. But the most important detail of all the laugher! Good old fashion FUN.

private events at the aia